We are a publicly traded company since 1998 with common shares listed on B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”) and on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). Our governance drives the strategy of action and the application of the Principles of Responsible Business with ethics, transparency and respect to the legal requirements and legislation pertinent to the capital market.
The principles of our corporate governance are set forth in the Bylaws and internal regulations, aligned with the requirements of the law and capital market regulations. Among the objectives of these principles, we highlight the following:
(i) maximization of the Company’s value;
(ii) transparency in the rendering of accounts, disclosure of information relevant to the market and relations with stakeholders;
(iii) equality in the treatment of shareholders; and
(iv) rendering accounts to shareholders, ensuring the business continuity.
Inspired by these principles, we have instituted measures to make our practices clear and objective. We believe that these advances, benefit current and future investors as well as the market in general.